Legend #2: Ozzy Osbourne, famous musician who was once in the band Black Sabbath, has done many twisted things that people may have never even thought of doing. After awhile, Sharon helped him start his music career again. At one of Ozzy's shows, she planned for him to release three doves as a sign of peace. Since Ozzy was very intoxicated, when he released the three doves, instead of letting them fly free, he grabbed one of them and bit the head off of it. It was a very disturbing sight and showed no sign of peacefulness like Sharon was aiming for. Also, at one of his concerts, many of his fans brought all different living animals such as cats, frogs, chickens, snakes, etc, and they would throw them up onto the stage with Ozzy. Many of the animals were slaughtered due to Ozzy's demonic stage on state. During the "Bark of the Moon Tour", somebody threw a bat onto the stage and Ozzy grabbed the bat and bit the head off of it, just like he did the dove. Since, this time, it was a wild animal, he was required to get two weeks of rabies shots. Ozzy's twisted mind caused him to do wild, uncalled for acts on the stage.
Legend #3: The legend with the Beatle's cover album, "Abbey Road" has many interesting facts behind it. On November 1966, The Beatles were at the Abbey Road studios, where they recorded their music. Paul McCartney left the studio, upset due to an argument he had with his band members. He drove off down and picked up a hitchhiker named Rita, who then somehow caused him to get into a horrible car accident which killed him. Since the Beatles were at the highest popularity of their career, they worried that it would be the end of their career. Instead of coming straight out with Paul's death, they kept it secret and decided to find a lookalike of Paul who could also play his music. Their new singer, William Campbell was able to write very similar music and had the same voice as Paul, too. Once they began getting used to the new guy in the band, the remaining members began feeling guilty. This led them to start putting hints/clue into their music and albums. The main clue of it was the cover, "Abbey Road". The four band members were walking across Abbey Road where John Lennon was dressed in white to symbolize the Church and mourning. Ringo was dressed in black, to symbolize the undertaker. George Harrison was dressed in work clothes to symbolize the gravedigger. Lastly, Paul McCartney was barefoot because when one is buried, they would be barefoot. Also, he was out of step with the other members and was holding his cigarette with his right hand when, in reality McCartney was left-handed. Also, the Volkswagen Beetle shown in the background of Abbey Road, had a license plate that read, "LMW 28IF" which symbolized that McCartney would have been 28 years old now, if he was still alive. All of these symbolization's in this album cover launched many fans to revealing these clues and realizing what the remaining Beatles members were trying to tell everybody.
Legend #4: Bob Dylan, known for his fine playing on the guitar, made a very shocking scene to his fans at the 1964 Newport Folk Festival. Six weeks before the festival, Bob began record some electrified music and started to move away from the whole acoustic music. Since his electric album "Like A Rolling Stone" was only released five days before his show in Newport, not many people heard the new music of his and were very shocked to hear what he brought to them. When he took the stage with his Fender Stratocaster and began playing the electrified version of "Maggie's Farm", the audience immediately began yelling and booing at the band until his music was drowned out by them. Many of his fans felt that he betrayed his outlooks on using only the acoustic guitar and also, the sound quality of the electric guitar sounded horrible. This tragic event marked a great change in the folk scene and many believed that it would never be the same due to Bob Dylan.
Legend #5:
Legend #6: The mythology of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart album has many symbols in it. For example, on the right of the cover, there is a doll dressed in a red, black and white striped shirt holding a white, toy car. The car in his hand symbolizes the car that Paul McCartney died in. Also, the statue Hindu God, Shiva, standing in front of the "T" in "Beatles" is pointing to Paul's name in the yellow flowers. Also, where the Beatles are behind the drum, all of the members are standing sideways and look 3D except for Paul, who is standing straight forward and looks like a cardboard cutout.
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